Our 2024 SE 2050 Embodied Carbon Action Plan

April 11, 2024

We are pleased to present our 2024 SE 2050 Embodied Carbon Action Plan!

In August of 2022, SK&A committed to join the SE 2050 Challenge, an initiative to encourage substantive embodied carbon reductions in the design and construction of structural systems by the collective structural engineering profession.

“We embrace the vision of the SE 2050 program and recognize our responsibility to understand the impacts of our work on the environment.”

~ Scott B. Stewart, PE, SE, SK&A Managing Principal

A key step of our participation in the SE 2050 Challenge was the development of an Embodied Carbon Action Plan (ECAP.) Our updated 2024 ECAP shows the members of

our Embodied Carbon Committee and describes our progress in and plans for Education, Knowledge Sharing, and Reporting. It also introduces SK&A’s approach to reducing embodied carbon in our work.

The SK&A staff spearheading this effort include our Embodied Carbon Reduction Champion, Sara Zaman, PE, and our SK&A Committee Lead, James Grant, PE, SE, CDT, as well as Hakan Onel, PE, SE, and Josh Woolcock, PE, LEED AP.

View SK&A’s SE 2050 Embodied Carbon Action Plan
