Repair + Restoration

SK&A’s Repair + Restoration services aid clients in developing and executing the most cost-effective strategies to meet their structural repair, restoration, and maintenance goals. We help the client evaluate and balance key factors such as initial repair and preventive maintenance costs, anticipated service life, and public safety.

Repair + Restoration Services

  • Historic Structure Evaluation and Repair Design
  • Existing Structure Alterations or Additions Design
  • Condition Evaluation and Repair Design for:
    • Parking Garages
    • Building Façades
    • Roof Systems
    • Balconies
    • Plazas
    • Caulking/Sealant
  • Due Diligence Services
  • Construction Repair Cost Estimating, Monitoring, and Observations
  • Contract Document Preparation and Construction Administration
  • Core Drill Review and Existing Structure Analysis for Tenant Fit-Outs
  • Structural Damage Assessment
  • Structural Strengthening and Stabilization Design
  • Quality Control Services