GU Hart Auditorium 1

Hart Auditorium Renovation

The McDonough Hall Hart Auditorium is located in Georgetown University’s Law Center where most of the campus law programs are conducted. Built in 1971, the 291-seat auditorium underwent a renovation program to update the facility’s upper and lower lobbies, reconfigure seating, and provide new audio visual and lighting systems as well as new HVAC systems.

The structural scope for the renovation program included the removal of side balconies and extension of the rear balconies via cantilevered steel framing integrated with the existing concrete structure. New slab openings were introduced in the upper lobby area along with two existing skylights and a stair opening in-filled overhead. In addition, the auditorium entry and stage were enlarged with the design of two new communicating stairs to connect the lower and upper lobbies. A load analysis was also performed on level one of the existing structure for reconfiguration to storage rooms.

Project Details


Georgetown University, Perkins&Will, Irreno Construction Company



Square Footage


Year Completed