Supporting the DC Special Olympics Summer Games

We were delighted to come alongside Brookfield Properties again this year to support the DC Special Olympics 2024 Summer Games. SK&A Senior Principal Brent Stephens, PE, together with his son Ty, volunteered at the event and were assigned to the awards tent. Reflecting on their time, Brent said, “It was very fun to see each athlete overjoyed after receiving a medal or ribbon.”  Also pictured above is Brent’s good friend at Brookfield, Jim Bourassa, who invited SK&A to volunteer and sponsor the games, saying “The Summer Games hold a special place in our hearts, as it represents a moment of triumph and celebration for athletes who face mental, physical, and socio-economic challenges. For many of them, this event is a rare opportunity to showcase their abilities and experience the joy of competition.”

The 2024 Summer Games were held at the Catholic University’s DuFour Athletic Center in Northeast DC. Learn more and get involved here:

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