David Orense, a Structural Engineer with SK&A, is responsible for the performance of structural condition surveys, the production of drawings, specifications, and field inspections of projects for conformance with design drawings and specifications. He is also experienced in the preparation of condition assessments of existing structures including visual surveys, field measurements, and repair quantity take-offs. David’s project experience includes balcony/roof waterproofing, vehicle impact assessment, structural repair of garages, and due diligence surveys. Notable projects in his portfolio include the Watergate East Roof Replacement, 6701/6705 Rockledge Dr. Garage Repairs, and the Middletowne Apartments Façade Repair Investigation.

David Orense, EIT
Structural Engineer I
- Master of Engineering, Architectural Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University
- Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering, University of Florida
Fun Facts
- Created the mix design for the University of Florida Concrete Canoe Team that won first place in the 2018 National Concrete Canoe Competition
- Former chair for the ACI S805 Student Leadership Committee, and current secretary for ACI S806 Young Member Activities Committee
- Helped research and edit the 17th edition of Design and Control of Concrete Mixtures during the summer of 2020 as an intern at PCA
- Lives with his 4 year-old cat named Gizmo
- Enjoys board games, with Settlers of Catan and Twilight Imperium being his favorites