DC Metropolitan Police Department Tactical Village
The District of Columbia Department of General Services solicited the development of a tactical village to be used by the police academy for training purposes. The tactical village is comprised of a 37,000 sf pre-engineered, metal building. Housed within the facility are four one- and two-story masonry structures intended to replicate an urban neighborhood setting and streetscapes for use in police training. Structurally, each replicate structure functions as a separate, stand-alone building.
One of the interior buildings is dedicated to additional support rooms and classrooms. A separate building on the site was designed for gas mask training. The project also includes training buildings with structural load bearing masonry walls as well as cold form metal framing load bearing walls and floor systems. Multiple training buildings were surrounded by pre-engineered steel frame warehouse type structures on improved soil by geopiers. A three-story tall steel frame rappel tower is also located adjacent to the warehouse.
Project Details
DC DGS, Studios Architecture
Square Footage
Year Completed