ICRI Shines a Spotlight on
Charles Mitchell

August 12, 2024

The International Concrete Repair Institute (ICRI) just launched a new “Member Spotlight” initiative and selected SK&A’s Director of Testing and Inspections, Charles Mitchell, as their Inaugural Featured Member!

Read the full press release on the ICRI website here

The Q&A shared in the above ICRI article covered several key topics. Charles reflected on his extensive career in construction and structural design, and his role in directing the Testing & Inspection services at SK&A. He also described his long-standing involvement with ICRI, where he currently chairs Committee 210—Evaluation and has contributed to several other committees over the years. The conversation then shifted to the impact of technology, including AI, on the concrete repair industry, with Charles expressing both optimism and caution.

We are delighted to see Charles recognized by ICRI for his dedication and expertise, and we look forward to his continued contributions to both SK&A and the concrete repair industry.
