3100 Clarendon Blvd 1
3100 Clarendon Blvd 2
3100 Clarendon Blvd 3

3100 Clarendon Boulevard Building Modifications

Built in 1985-1986, the 14-story, 260,042 sf office building at 3100 Clarendon Boulevard, across from the Clarendon Metro Plaza, underwent an extensive interior and exterior renovation in February 2014. Repairs were performed to the existing building’s main façade and various structural slabs and included the design of new monumental stairs.

The façade repairs consisted of the removal and replacement of the existing stone cladding on all four sides of the building with new aluminum glass cladding. Deflection, load, and design criteria were provided for the support system of the new cladding. Existing structural slabs were extended on the east side of the ground floor and second floor level. New cutouts were designed for two new elevators at the center and west sections of the building. In addition, a new steel dunnage was designed to install mechanical equipment on the third-floor plaza and penthouse roof.

The lobby area renovations included a new second floor level and monumental stairs. The steel and glass stairs were a challenge to install due to the sharp angle of the stairs. One set of stairs connects the ground level to the Metro level and another set of stairs connects the ground level to the second-floor level.

Project Details


Piedmont Office Realty Trust



Square Footage


Year Completed