8609 Westwood Ctr Dr Garage 1
8609 Westwood Ctr Dr Garage 2

8609 Westwood Center Drive Garage Repairs

A comprehensive condition evaluation was provided as well as recommendations for a garage repair and maintenance program for the 8609 Westwood Center Drive parking garage. The garage has a total of a total of 467 parking spaces, including 15 handicapped-accessible spaces and 27 cycle spaces. The survey performed was limited to the elevated parking decks, exterior cladding, structural framing, stairwell, and the condition of post-tensioned tendons. In addition, specialize concrete testing was performed, which included: chloride ion content testing per AASHTO T260, compressive core strength testing in accordance with ASTM C42/42M, and petrographic examination pursuant to ASTM C856-04, Standard Practice for Petrographic Examination of Hardened Concrete.

In order to evaluate the extent of the structural damage and to establish repair budget estimates, a comprehensive sounding survey was performed on the suspended decks to locate any latent delaminated concrete resulting from the corrosion of reinforcing steel. Realistic repair boundaries were marked on the decks in accordance with the International Concrete Repair Institute Guidelines. The repair sizes and locations of the top surfaces and soffits (underside) of the suspended garage decks, as well as observed deficiencies were also plotted on plan view drawings. Other deficiencies noted during the assessment of the facility included top surface as well as soffit concrete deterioration, corroded tendons and joint sealants, deteriorated traffic coating, a deficient stairwell, and cracked PT beams.

Project Details





Square Footage


Year Completed